Stone Viewing Day

March 3, 2010


As part of our current exhibit Shi Yun Zhi Heng: 12 Interesting Stones, join us in welcoming the Stone King to The Velaslavasay Panorama this Sunday, March 7 for a special open house and rock viewing day. The Stone King will be bringing an additional array of stone specimens from his extensive collection of prized Scholars' Rocks for display and discussion, with commemorative pamphlets and lithological information on the stones  available to all attendees.

There will be tea and cakes on offer in the garden,
and an opportunity to take home a rock of your own.

Mr. Rich Wang, also known as The Stone King, has been collecting stones for over 30 years and has developed a number of unique art concepts for viewing Scholars' Rocks.  Since his relocation to Los Angeles at the start of the 21st century, The Stone King has worked tirelessly to publicize China's ancient stone tradition, foster modern rock admiration and to promote East - West cultural exchange. He is the president of the Chinese American Viewing Stone Association and strives to inspire within others a deeper knowledge and appreciation of this extraordinary form of natural art.

Shi Yun Zhi Heng: 12 Interesting Stones is on view in the Ancillary Salon
from February 12 until April 18, 2010 and has been funded in part by the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs and The Velaslavasay Panorama Enthusiast Society.