The Velaslavasay has undertaken an endeavor to translate our informational brochure into every language in the world. Currently, one can find the following languages in physical existence at the Union Theatre:
English - written by Ruby Carlson, Sara Velas & Andy Cao
Spanish - translated by Oscar Arce, Felipe Fonseca, Jen Hofer & Alexia Veytia
Chinese (Simplified) - translated by Stella Cao
Chinese (Traditional) - translated by Subrina Kuo
Slovak - translated by Martina Colby
Dutch - translated by Sylvia Alting van Geusau
French - translated by Aria Lotfalian and JD Beaufils
Japanese - translated by Minako Kitayama
Turkish - translated by Öğünç Tevfik Hatipoğlu
Hungarian - translated by Csaba Schnitchen, facilitated by Eva Bunkoczy
Russian - translated by НМГ
Ancient Latin - translated by John Leopold
Korean - translated by Youni Chae
Polish - translated by Lydia Roberts and Marianna Chodorowska-Pilch
German - translated by Andrea Ben-Zion
Czech - translated by Martina Nemecek
Our goal is to make the Panorama as accessible as possible to everyone in our world’s ever-expanding global progression! If you or associates are willing and able to represent your language, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
panorama [at]
You will be acknowledged in name or moniker of your choosing on this website as well as on the physical brochure of your language.
All languages sought - of high priority we hope to find translators for the following languages: