\\//Promotional Opportunity\\//
For Fun 《找乐》
Friday & Saturday, August 6th & 7th, 2021 - 8:00 P.M.
$16 General / $12 VPES
For Fun 《找乐》explores the life of Old Man, a "recently retired concierge of an opera company and his battle against bureaucracy to establish an amateur opera troupe featuring men like himself."* Directed by international filmmaker Ning Ying, who studied with Bernardo Bertolucci and at both the Beijing Film Academy and the Rome Film Experimental Academy, her film is about the relationship between the individual and the community in a city that is crumbling and being rebuilt at the same time.
For Fun 《找乐》is the final iteration of the Velaslavasay Panorama's 20th Anniversary film screening series Electric Shadows On Penglai Mountain presented in collaboration with The Livonian Cinema.
China | 1992 | Color | 97 mins | Mandarin with English subtitles | Directed by Ning Ying
//\\//\\//\\//\\An Opportunity for Sponsorship//\\//\\//\\//\\
Would you like to advertise during our upcoming film screening "For Fun" 《找乐》?
A limited number of promotion opportunities are available.
For $30, your idea, brand, concept, product, catch phrase will be projected as part of our screenings on August 6th & 7th.
For more information send an email to panorama@panoramaonview.org with the subject line
"I want to advertise "For Fun""
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Tell panorama@panoramaonview.org
"I want to advertise For Fun"