A surprising number of 19th-century panoramas have endured to the present day. Although many panoramas created during this period are in fragile repair, many works are in excellent condition and remain on view, and a good number have been painstakingly restored to their original scope and glory. Many are exhibits created in the 20th century, a tribute to the fact that the artistic impact of the panorama medium continues to be valuable in the development of contemporary media culture, and has retained the power to awe and inspire. For an extensive list of the panoramas which still exist or are being created today, visit the website of the International Panorama Council.
Colligan, Mimi. Canvas Documentaries: Panoramic Entertainments in Nineteenth-Century Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2002.
Comment, Bernard. The Panorama. Trans. Anne-Marie Glasheen. London: Reaktion Books, 1999.
Huhtamo, Erkki. Illusions in Motion. Leonardo Book Series - MIT Press, 2013.
Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH, Edited.Sehsucht: Das Panorama als Massenunterhaltung des 19. Jahrhunderts. Bonn: Stroemfeld/Roter Stern, 1993.
Mohr, Ulrike, and Suzanne Weck. Lost Panorama. Berlin: Impressum, 2007.
Oetterman, Stephan. The Panorama: History of a Mass Medium. Trans. Deborah Lucas Schneider. New York: Zone Books, 1997.
Potter, Russell A. Arctic Spectacles: The Frozen North in Visual Culture 1818-1875.Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2007.
Van Eekelen, Yvonne, ed. The Magical Panorama: The Mesdag Panorama, an Experience in Space and Time. Trans. Arnold and Erica Pomerans. Zwolle: Waanders Uitgeverij and The Hague: B.V. Panorama Mesdag, 1996.
Van Lier, Andre, and Rob van den Braak, eds. The Panorama Phenomenon. Trans. Ingrid Birtwistle. The Hague: B.V. Panorama Mesdag, Uitgeverij P/F Kunstbeeld, and the International Panorama Council, 2006.