Filmic - Ursula Brookbank and Jordan Biren Live Performance

September 28, 2011

An Evening of Live Cinema

An ever evolving work of image/sound projection
Accompanied by textual reading.


Presented by

Ursula Brookbank and Jordan Biren

Friday, October 7, 2011
8 O'clock PM

We invite friends and members to join us for this screening and performance by Ursula Brookbank and Jordan Biren.
With special musical guests Perry Hoberman and Julia Heyward

This evening will also be the debut of A Series of Small Views,
a new exhibit presented in our Ancillary Salon by Tristan Duke.

Following the perfomances we will have a reception with refreshments in the garden.
Tickets for this event are complimentary and can be reserved here:


This is: the province we wish to enter together. This room, where—
crystalline—understanding draws ever closer to the elusive. Where we
ask of the work that it recede from the work: the shadow present while
hidden: the progeny of a medium’s refusal. We consign to this space—as if
having heralded—the discomfiting glimmer of a measureless dimension:
we effect the absence of images: we occasion a completeness: we drift
towards empathic production.

This then: the spatial engagement, the psychical mirrored. Where, in
turn—in movements through images, sounds, and text—everything is
brought back to where it began, again. Back to the intensity, the affect,
back to what we call the filmic.

(Embedded Engagements)

S H E  W O R L D

A L L  T H A T  P A S S E S  B E F O R E  Y O U ,  A L R E A D Y  I N  R U I N

S L V R . H N D S

P R O J E C T E D  I N T E R I O R S

*Please note that this performance will be filmed.

The Velaslavasay Panorama
1122 West 24th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90007