Ancillary Salon Exhibitions at The Velaslavasay Panorama

March 30, 2011

Last Weekend On View!

The Golden Land


Visit the exhibit dedicated to The Grand Moving Mirror of California, on view here in our Ancillary Salon for just a few more days. Depicting the sea voyage and overland journey to California in the years of the great Gold Rush, the exhibition also displays the rolling mechanism and exquisitely rendered scrolled painting depicting scenes from the original 1853 script. In addition, source materials and inspired original artworks made and used in the painting and fabrication process are available for perusal. Exacting fascimiles of historical documents and pamplets directly related to the original touring version of this rolling entertainment are to be seen, as well as a detailed map display plotting the touring route undertaken through three New England states by L. Eaton Emerson, exhibitor of the original 1855 version of The Grand Moving Mirror of California.


Upcoming Exhibition

The Somnambulists


The Somnambulists
Exhibition Debut Saturday, April 16, 2011
On view through May 29th

Zoe Beloff's The Somnambulists, which will be on view in the Ancillary Salon and on the stage of The Velaslavasay Panorama, is comprised of five miniature wooden theaters onto which moving images are projected. The largest of these theaters will involve three-dimensional video projections of two vaudevillian musical dramas: A Modern Case of Possession and History of a Fixed Idea. Shot stereoscopically, the films depict three-dimensional figures, approximately one-fifth of normal human scale, that appear to perform on stage to hallucinatory effect, presenting the unconscious as a hysterical drama. Visit our Ancillary Salon web page for details, including ticket information for the April 16 debut event.



The Velaslavasay Panorama