CCF Vaudeville Night

November 11, 2008




We invite you to join us this Friday, November 14 
for a special evening of variety performances and visual arts presentations 
produced in conjunction with the Japanese American National Museum 
and California Community Foundation.

A part of the California Community Foundation's 
20 Years Ago Today: Supporting Visual Artists in L.A.,
a celebration of 20 years of awarding Fellowships for Visual Artist grants to California artists, 
the show will feature works by:


John Fleck

Stanya Kahn

Scoli Acosta, in collaboration with Daniel Pineda

Todd Gray

Michael Sakamoto


Admission is free, but reservations are recommended and may be made by emailing

 The Velaslavasay Panorama
1122 West 24th Street 
Los Angeles, CA 90007


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The Velaslavasay Panorama Enthusiast Society.

