Sunday, July 1 - Pasadena's Arroyo Seco and the Antiquarian Camera - An Illustrated Lecture by Photographer Steve Roberts

June 26, 2012
Pasadena's Arroyo Seco and the Antiquarian Camera

An Illustrated Lecture by Steve Roberts

Photograph by Steve Roberts

Sunday, July 1, 2012
7 o'clock pm
Tickets $12 {$10 VPES, students, seniors}

Available at


Please join us in welcoming Los Angeles-based photographer Steve Roberts to The Velaslavasay Panorama for an illustrated lecture, offered as part of the closing reception for the exhibition of his exceptional photographs on display in our Ancillary Salon. These works are from his series taken in the beautiful Arroyo Seco in Pasadena from 1999 to 2012. The talk will cover a brief history of the Arroyo and its place in the history of Pasadena, and the photographs will be discussed along with the antiquated techniques and materials used to produce them.

The Ancillary Salon will be open and the photographs on view before the lecture begins.

Visit the artist's Web page at


The Velaslavasay Panorama