October Has Arrived Upon a Gentle Zephyr

October 11, 2009

But Jove, in goodness ever wise,
Hath hid, in clouds of depthless night,
All that in future prospect lies,
Beyond the ken of mortal sight.










October has arrived upon a Gentle Zephyr!




We welcome the autumnal harvest and and wish you all the best in this time of changing seasons. Following the Sanguine Moon of October Third, our thoughts turn to the moonless sky's blank slate upon which we may project our excitement of future prospects.




In celebration of this forthcoming new moon and our newest garden feature, Alabaster Isle of Penglai, an island cloaked all in white based on legends and folklores of Asia,  the V.P.E.S. Supper Club will host its inaugural fundraising dinner on Saturday, October 17. To make a reservation for this special evening, please visit http://panoramaonview.org/supperclub.html.  Through the initiative of the V.P.E.S. Supper Club, a new seasonal fundraising effort of the Velaslavasay Panorama Enthusiast Society, we hope not only to entertain an intimate group of guests for evenings fraught with epicurean wonderment and fraternal revelry, but to garner the necessary tools to further our panoramic mission and ensure our future progress. 




Though we stand steadfast in our dedication to our ongoing survival here at the Union Theatre, your support is greatly needed. The Velaslavasay Panorama is now on the threshold of many exciting prospective projects and changes. Given the peculiarity of our mission and the multi-faceted nature of our endeavor, however, it has proven challenging to procure funding, and never more so than now, with resources stretched to their limits.  With this in mind, please consider joining the Velaslavasay Panorama Enthusiast Society, the benefits of which are plentiful and excellent, and support the vitality and sustained future of our unique panoramic enterprise.






In the closing months of this year of the Earth Ox, our events include a screening of films by master collagist Lewis Klahr on November seventh and in early December, the return of Aurelia Shenker and Eva Salina Primack of Æ, performing songs from the Georgian and Balkan traditions.  The start of 2010 will bring the long-awaited production run of our Grand Moving Mirror of California, a two-hundred-seventy-foot-long moving panorama based on an original 1853 script describing the journey to reach Gold Rush-era California, recently rediscovered by the Saco Maine Museum. 




We'd be very pleased if you would consider joining us on October 17 and at upcoming gatherings. Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and  support!







Every Yours,

The Velaslavasay Panorama